Benzene, toluene and xylene measurements GC955 BTEX 601

The GC955, series 601 BTX analyzer, was developed for the measurement of benzene, toluene and xylene isomers in ambient air. European regulations require the measurement of benzene in ambient air. The concentration of benzene varies from < 1 to > 100 micrograms per cubic meter. The GC955 is a good choice for authorities who want to measure benzene: it is not only designed for laboratory analysis, but also specifically for technicians working in field stations or control rooms. No special chemical training is required.

Example screen of the GC955 BTEX 601:

GC955_BTEX Beispiel 1

The instrument is a gas chromatograph with a built-in enrichment system. Hydrocarbons are enriched on Tenax GR and thermally desorbed. An EPA 624 equivalent separation column is used to achieve optimum separation of interfering components. Detection is carried out with the aid of a photo-ionization detector. This ensures a high specific sensitivity for benzene and other aromatics. To also measure saturated hydrocarbons, the system can also be equipped with an FID.

Example screen of the GC955 BTEX 601 with interference components:

GC955_BTEX Beispiel 2